

Jesus On Trial

Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $9.99.

The complete script is now available for purchase on the reputable online platform, Upon purchase, buyers will receive a perfectly bound hard copy via mail. Please note that the production rights are not included in this purchase, and parties interested in acquiring such rights are advised to contact the Publisher, HCP Book Publishing, at [email protected]. Multiple copies of the script may be ordered for the benefit of the cast members, and it is permissible to make copies of the script only after procuring the necessary production rights.

Additionally, digital versions of the script may be made available exclusively to those who have obtained both the book and production rights. Any unauthorized distribution, reproduction, production or exhibition of this work is strictly prohibited and may result in legal consequences.


Judas told the soldiers that he would identify Jesus with a kiss. When he did, the soldiers arrested Jesus and took him away. As Jesus was taken into custody, His disciples scattered. Jesus was led to Caiaphas, the high priest, and the scribes and elders.

When morning came, all the chief priests and elders of the Jews plotted against Jesus to put Him to death. When they had bound Him, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate, to be judged.

The trial takes place while outside the chief priests and elders assembled, and a crowd was gathering. Pilate enters the courtroom complaining about how early it is and states that whatever is going on had better be important.

Once the proceeding begins, he asks Jesus if He is the King of the Jews, but gets no response. The trial proceeds.

Length: 45-60 Minutes
Cast: 8 males, 1 female
Audience: Teens & Adults
Genre: Biblical Drama


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