


Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $19.99.

The complete script is now available for purchase on the reputable online platform, Upon purchase, buyers will receive a perfectly bound hard copy via mail. Please note: production rights for one performance is included in this purchase. Parties interested in acquiring additional rights (i.e. adaptation, multiple performances, etc.) are advised to contact the Publisher, HCP Book Publishing, at [email protected]. Multiple copies of the script may be ordered from Amazon for the benefit of the cast members, and it is permissible to make copies of the book. Any unauthorized distribution, reproduction, production or exhibition of this work is strictly prohibited and may result in legal consequences.


We all know the prodigal story well. Some of us may even share his testimony and a very powerful testimony it is….but I want to add a new spin on that story.

DETOUR examines the life of a young man named Caleb who is not contented with the Christian life. He feels it is drab and boring and there has to be more to life. So he leaves home to go on a journey of self-indulgence ‘denying himself no pleasure’ as Solomon once did.

He quickly learns there is no such thing as a free ride and indulgence is just an illusion that blinds us from the truth. The road most traveled leads to a very unpleasant place and the end result to sin is always death. But his choice to return home is just the beginning of his troubles and his Detour may have cost him more than he bargained for.

Length: 60-90 Minutes
Cast: 5 males, 3 females, Plus extras..
Audience: Teens & Adults
Genre: Contemporary Drama


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