Dives is a wealthy entrepreneur with a bad attitude towards Christmas, Christians and the underprivileged of our society. His goal is to make more money and enjoy all the pleasures that life has to offer. His brother Phillip provides some balance in his life, though an unbeliever himself.
Dives is married but seeking a divorce from his Christian wife, Sharon. Like Solomon, he denies himself nothing. In his own eyes, he is probably the most important man on planet Earth.
Fate would have it that there are things even Dives has no control over. The night before Christmas he dies and wakes up in hell. That’s when his journey really begins as he spends Christmas Day in the worst place imaginable.
Play Details
Length: 50-70 Minutes
Cast: 8 Males, 1 Female, Plus Extras
Audience: Teens & Adults
Genre: Contemporary Drama
Allyn Key –
Awesome play… Eye opener!!!