In a tale of bittersweet triumph, “Chloe, My Child” follows Mary’s extraordinary journey through her daughter’s life of achievements. Chloe, a brilliant screenwriter, creates a powerful screenplay that becomes the turning point in saving thousands of lives worldwide. As her daughter’s success and profound influence on the world grow exponentially, Mary bears a heavy burden—a secret that could shatter it all. The truth is that Chloe was never born.
This emotionally charged play delves into the complexities of motherhood, sacrifice, and the profound impact one life can have on humanity. Mary grapples with conflicting emotions as she witnesses the world-changing outcomes of her child’s non-existent life, all while concealing her secret from the world. As she navigates this fragile balance, Mary must ultimately confront her past decisions and find a way to reconcile her love for the daughter she never knew and the impact of her unfulfilled potential.
Mary’s journey of self-discovery will leave readers contemplating the true meaning of motherhood, forgiveness, and the everlasting impact of every life, no matter how fleeting.
Length: 45 Minutes
Cast: 2 Males, 2 Females, 2 Young Girls, Extras
Audience: Teens & Adults
Genre: Contemporary Drama
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